while there are many manifestations of the word "biddy", an oberlin biddy can generally be described by these three things:
2. desire to make out with seniors (as many as possible)
3. is a freshman or first-semester sophomore
additionally, biddies often sport black tights, leather jackets, travel in packs, and feel obligated to chain smoke. (see above, left, and below, right)
i've been a biddy for a year and a half. my friends are biddies. we play biddy games. sometimes, people don't even say my name--they just shout "biddy" and expect me to respond (i usually do.) i've become really good at being a biddy, too; sitting outside of mudd, chain smoking, talking really loud about HOW MUCH FUN I HAD LAST NIGHT... actually, biddies are probably just the reincarnation of the jewish american princess. yeah, i like that. i'll stick with it.
but what happens now? sometime between this friday and february 8, i'm "not a biddy anymore." is this going to be like turning 18, when you wake up and you're like "cool i'm 18 now" but you still can't legally drink so really nothing is different? or is this going to be like turning 21, when you wake up and you're like "cool i'm 21 now" and you can legally drink but really you've been doing it for years so nothing is different? am i going to stop being obnoxious? are older boys going to stop "perving" on me because i'm not a biddy? will other girls hate me less? will i finally go gay?
really, i think this post is just me trying to draw some higher meaning from the past year and a half. a lot has changed since i started living in ohio. i have friends that are girls, i can drink coffee without milk, i learned a little bit of french. i cut my hair, cut my budget, and started wearing cashmere sweaters to sleep. i like who i've become, and i think that if i'm still considered a biddy, it's only because i am a nineteen year old female and i go to the feve a lot.
i tried to come up with a really poignant, over-arching statement to end this post with, but i really couldn't think of anything. i think that is probably the "most important thing i learned in college so far"--that a lot of stuff happens but you really shouldn't think about it too much because you have two more finals to write before you can go home on friday.
does this mean that i am allowed to start having sex with people who were born after 1987?
ReplyDeletedoes this mean i should stop perving on lionel o? (via my "top three" spring 2k9)?
ReplyDeletedoes this mean i should stop trying to have sex with people who are friends with each other?
does this mean i shouldn't move to new york for winter term this year?
what does this mean?!